40 Odd Moves: Solos and Other Entertainments
With a mix of theatrical works from the present and the past, Tandy makes sense of this life by making moving images. With Jon’s music, their work together is a network of ideas and images, a kinetic and conceptual palette of illusions and allusions weaving the serious with the humorous.
Tandy's creative work springs from a sense of the great mystery of being here on this strange planet. Joy, wonder, and celebration balance her interest in the ineffable. She weaves these varied emotions into exuberant theatrical mosaics. Her solos have multi-media, storytelling, dance, humor and original music by Jon Scoville.
“incredible virtuosity . . . theatrical savvy . . . her solos are like jewels, all of which shine.”
Other solo productions by Tandy Beal
“Beal is a joy to behold!”
NightLife is a transformative journey through the 3:00 am terrain: the struggle with the sheets, the intractable pillow, the time in between sleeping and waking, the mistaken midnight sounds, the macabre thoughts, the crumbs in the bed, what might be under the bed, the wonder at being here at all, the delight of being flesh and blood . . . all in a night’s work!
A Wing and a Prayer
A Wing and a Prayer brings us immediately into metaphor: ten tiny houses in the fog, Tandy emerging from a deep pile of leaves, an old woman transforms into a young innocent, tales unfold in diamonds of light. Stories heard and seen about the arc of life, aging and its mysteries, told with humor and insight.
The second half of the concert moves to celebration and whimsy. Tandy is in a magical kitchen — the place where life really happens! But this kitchen has a cake that turns into a samba dancer, a fridge that hands her wine, appliances that have minds of their own. Skillfully and with a panache learned from years with the circus, she asks participants to help her prepare for a party—until suddenly the party includes the whole audience onstage sharing food and laughter together.